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Our Community Cupboards

Nourishing bodies, uplifting, spirits, and creating lasting pathways to sustainability.

Through the transformative power of God’s love Our Community Cupboards nourishes bodies, uplifts, spirits, and creates lasting pathways to sustainability.

How we Serve

We Feed

At Our Community Cupboards, feeding the hungry is at the heart of our mission. We provide emergency food and nutritious meals to community members in need through various cupboards located across town. Our commitment ensures that no one goes hungry, as we strive to meet the immediate nutritional needs of individuals and families. By offering a range of healthy food options, we help to sustain the physical well-being of our community, fostering a foundation for a better future.

We Pray

Prayer is a cornerstone of our outreach at Our Community Cupboards. Whenever we have the opportunity, we share the gospel and offer mental relief through prayer with individuals seeking comfort and guidance. We also welcome and accept prayer requests at each of our sites, creating a space for spiritual support and healing. Through prayer, we aim to uplift spirits, providing hope and encouragement to those facing challenging times.

We Refer

Connecting individuals to vital resources is a crucial aspect of our work at Our Community Cupboards. As people share their needs with us, we refer them to a network of community resources that can assist in addressing various aspects of their lives. Whether it’s housing, employment, healthcare, or other forms of support, we guide individuals towards pathways of sustainability, helping them to achieve long-term stability and independence.

We Support

Support is integral to our mission at Our Community Cupboards. We actively seek to partner with other organizations dedicated to uplifting lives and enhancing community well-being. By collaborating with like-minded entities, we expand our reach and impact, providing comprehensive support to those we serve. Together, we work towards creating a stronger, more resilient community, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Here's how you can support

Your time and treasure can make a difference!

Your generosity and dedication are vital to the mission of Our Community Cupboards. By contributing your time, you can fill a food box with nutritious items for families and individuals in need, or offer prayers for the organization and those we serve. Your treasure, no matter the amount, directly supports our efforts to nourish bodies and uplift spirits. Every gift, whether large or small, makes a significant impact- just $75 provides 21 meals per week. Together, we can create lasting pathways to self-sufficiency and foster a more compassionate and inclusive community.

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About us

Founded in 2024, Our Community Cupboards began as a humble passion project, dedicated to stocking cupboards across our community to combat hunger. Rooted in Christian values, our organization was established to further and expand our mission of providing nourishment, uplifting spirits, and fostering pathways to sustainability.

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